I'm very new to After Effects and I'd like to create the effect you see where you speed up the video. Maybe I'm showing something that takes a while, or I am showing a really long benchmark and want to speed it up to show the end result. What's the best way to do that in Ae or Premier?
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Hey @gamingtrend, thanks for your question! Here's how you can easily speed up your footage using Premiere Pro or After Effects. In Premiere Pro: Select your clip from the timeline. Right click on the top left corner of the selected clip (it should read "FX") and select Time Remapping > Speed. Now the thin horizontal line that you see going across the clip will be controlling the speed of your clip. Drag it up to speed it up and boom you're done! Alternatively, with the clip selected, press CTRL/CMD+R and enter the speed value directly (for example: 200% makes the clip go twice as fast) That option gives you less flexibility though. I cover this technique more in depth in my tutorial on How to Edit Your Videos Like Dude Perfect. I think you'll like this one 😉 https://youtu.be/cVlGWSzQzL8 And in After Effects: Right click on your clip and click on "enable time remapping". This will create 2 keyframes on your clip. One the first frame and one on the last. (if you can't see them, just press U on your keyboard). Now all you've got to do is drag the last keyframe to the left until you're happy with the speed. Good luck with it all, have fun and let me know if you've got any questions! Also, feel free to request full-on tutorials in the "Tutorial Requests" section of the forum! I'll see what I can do to help!